Wednesday 18 May 2011

Skyscanner contest - Florida

I've won second prize in the Skyscanner writing contest. I wrote about an interesting, at times alarming trip to the "real" Florida.  You can read it here.

A lot happened on that trip. I liked the mom 'n' pop roadside snake stall, where the owner's friend turned up with a couple of rattlesnakes threshing furiously in a bucket to add to the collection. The owner only had  had two fingers left "Hey, snakes ain't dangerous if you handle 'em right" he smiled.

Didn't visit that long ago,  but by now most of the places I stopped are bound to be buried beneath the unstoppable tsunami of concrete which has turned Orlando from a rural town into a place of fake dangers and thrills.

Although at Disney they still need that morning patrol to pull the alligators out of the swimming pools. Men with nets, there with the dawn, to make sure no kid in a Mickey Mouse swimsuit is ever swallowed whole by something from the real world.


  1. Congratulations on winning the prize. This sure is a interesting trip.

  2. Congratulations on your second prize! Yeeees, you grabbed me by the throat. By the last five lines, you changed everything. The ending was wonderful and big surprise!! I love this story very much. Jenny Woolf, thank you for sharing. Have a great day!

  3. Nice offbeat piece.


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