Sunday 5 July 2009

Stitching with Chestnuts and Plastic Sea Anemones

Saw this in the Alentejo, Portugal. Women used to stitch chestnut shells into their embroideries. I am always fascinated by people making art out of their surroundings, whatever those surroundings may be.

The same reason I loved the knitting show at London's South Bank which had sea themes and was created from rubbish abandoned at sea, thereby making the point that if we keep trashing the oceans we may end up just with a load of plastic. This is a sea anemone of plastic sacks and orange plastic rope, among other things.
I love the way there is a transformation of ugliness into beauty here.


  1. I like this type of work as well. Enjoyed the sea themes work at Southbank. Would love to see this portugese work.

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  3. I wish Blogspot would allow complete removal of spam posts like the one above - who would ever trust someone who is unscrupulous and unestablished enough to spam with their precious money I don't know...

    Anyway I'm hoping that future comments will be moderated. One spam is enough.


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